Information For Non-Profits

06 May, 2015 is a campaign management company. We do not collect funds on behalf of non-profit organizations. Our services include managing online campaigns on behalf of non-profit organizations and/or connecting them with private donors directly.

Services for Non-Profits’s services for Non-profit organizations who possess the 501(c)(3) status include the following:

– Consulting on Fundraising campaigns,
– Facilitating online and offline Joint Venture campagins with for-profit organizations.
– Planning out online funnels and creating websites,
– Optimizing online funnels,
– Maintaining a clean donor list with good communication,
– Helping Non-Profits access private donors and marketing to them.

– Other online campaign management services, including:
– Facebook campaigns,
– Google Adwords campagins,
– Native Advertising campaigns,
– Email campaigns, list generation & list management,
– Other banner campagins with different traffic sources.

Risk Free Pricing Model for Non-Profits

As opposed to the industry standard, our pricing model allows Non-Profit organizations to access our competencies without any risk whatsoever. If we can’t get you the grant we are promising, we will pay you your money back. can sometimes also get private For-Profit organizations involved to finance the campagins for Non-Profits, at no risk to the Non-Profit whatsoever. This allows facilitation of Joint Venture campagins between the For-Profit and the Non-Profit organization, allowing the For-Profit organization to leverage philantropy in it’s marketing… And giving the Non-Profit exposure to the For-Profit’s customer base.

If you’re interested in becoming a partner, please click this link and use the application form on this page, or send us an email about your organization to




Our mission at is to connect non-profit causes in need of donations with for-profit organizations to create successful joint ventures, and making the world a better place. is a subsidiary of JV Broker, Inc.